
The image can't be cache if the link is in HTTP

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Based on the title,

The problem keep persist in android. Meanwhile when I try on ios it works perfectly fine.. It never mention any error just a warning.. But the image is not displaying on android because of this warn.. I did try allow the android:usesCleartextTraffic = true and other instruction based on this thread but the problem still persist..

Here's one of http image

and here's the warn display:



all of the above problem is when i use this :

CacheableImage.cacheFile('', true) .then( localFileInfo => { console.log(localFileInfo); });

if i use this function:

<CacheableImage style={styles.image} source={{uri: ''}} permanent={false} />

this the warn i got :



I did try trace the 'EUNSPECIFIED' in the module itself and try to log one by one but the log never appear on the 'EUNSPECIFIED' section..

Did I do wrong somewhere?
Can anyone help me with this problem? Thanks in advance