
Package abandoned?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

There haven't been any commits for ~2.5 years and there are a number of pretty breaking issues #22 #26 #32 #45, do you intend on supporting this package going forward?
If this is abandoned would you consider letting someone else take it over?
I've ended up forking this package to add a few enhancements and quite a few changes (and some breaking ones), if this package is abandoned I think I may make my fork standalone. outlines changes and ideas for future enhancements, granted I haven't made any updates for a while I've just added features as and when I needed them and the readme needs updates.

Notable changes:

  • Replace permanent/cache with immutable/mutable
    • immutable - download only if not in cache (same as existing behaviour regardless of permanent value)
    • mutable - download if not in cache, else respect http headers (sends if-modified-since)
  • Deduplication of requests (RxJS), multiple components can subscribe to the same URL, only one download request will be made and the components will be notified when the local uri changes
  • Switch to react-native-fs (resolves image loading issues and I prefer the api and behaviour)
  • Get file extension from path

@mnightingale Looks that way; unfortunate. I'd be interested to learn if you've continued developing this yourself?

xerdnu commented

I solved my caching issues with this package and decided to share it on github. Hope it helps!

@mnightingale are you open to helping maintain this package? I'm open to bringing on help as I have been legitimately too busy in recent years (founded a company -- believe me that eats up your time quickly)