
A wechat miniprogram backend. RESTful API. This miniprogram is to help groups of people record financial transactions.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status License: MIT



Basically this application can be divided into three parts: main application, services and data stores.

  • main application The main application uses gorilla mux to handle http requests. It calls different MakeEndpoint methods defined in services to create corresponding handler and handle incoming requests.
  • services Service part is the middle layer between outside requests and the inner database services. It basically defines handlers that decode raw http requests:
  • call data store functions to do operations on the database
  • deal with errors
  • encode output for http response
  • data stores The data stores uses SQL queries to communicate with database directly. It receives params passed from services layers and abstract out data to form standard SQL queries. It also handles errors and wrap query results with formatted models for outside use.

Get started

Application setup

To Get started with the project, you need to have the following done first:

  1. Database setup

    • Install PostgreSQL.

    • Create database based on scripts provided in utils/sql/. Please create two databases, one for normal development, one for testing (recommended).

  2. Setup golang environment.

    • Download golang from here.
  3. Application setup

    • Clone the project and copy it under $GOPATH/. Usually $GOPATH is defined when you install golang. By default it is /Users/<your-user-name>/go for macOS. If you want to change your workspace, you might need to set $GOPATH environment variable. See here.

    • Ensure dependency: use brew to install dep:

      brew install dep
      brew upgrade dep

      Then under root directory, run

      dep init
      dep ensure
      dep ensure -update
    • Setup development config: please proceed to root directory and run


      and please adjust your settings accordingly.

    • Run your application! Please run the following command under your application's root directory

      go run main.go

Test your code

Please remember to test your code after development. testing files can be found inside tests/. You can run

go test ./...

under root directory to test your code.


This is project specified. My method of deploying it to build a docker image and publish it to docker hub. Then I keep the app-related secrets inside the server that I want to deploy on (not good practice but for now I just do this. Better ideas would be using Vault or Consul). Then I wrote a script called deploy_mediocirs to deploy the app. When you want to deploy, please specifiy your server ip, the tag (first 6 digits of the commit tag, used as docker tag) and the port that you want to deploy on. For instance:

./deploy_mediocirs -s myserver.com -t c55eb67 -p 8080

Code formatting

In order to have better coding experience, please follow the following coding format rules (will be adding along the way).

  • naming Please use CamelCase for all names. For public variable/constants/structs/methods, please capitalize the first letter.
  • packages Please name your packages all in lower cases, no underlines.

Note: you before pushing your code please run

go fmt ./...

This will format your code.