
Binance aggTrade for multiple streams is not working

kaushik1979 opened this issue · 0 comments


I have an issue with the binance aggTrade api for future data. As per the api doc, when I create a streaming link and open a websocket with it, no data comes back.

streamingUrl -

However, the link for single future contract works like a charm.

streamingUrl -

API Doc -

Code establishing websocket connection -

import static com.binance.api.client.impl.BinanceApiServiceGenerator.getSharedClient;

client = getSharedClient().newBuilder().pingInterval(3, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build();


Request request = new Request.Builder().url(streamingUrl).build();
final WebSocket webSocket = client.newWebSocket(request, listener);
return () -> {
    final int code = 1000;
    listener.onClosing(webSocket, code, null);
    webSocket.close(code, null);
    listener.onClosed(webSocket, code, null);

Can someone help me resolve this issue please?