Usage: julia-sets.exe [OPTIONS]
-w, --width <WIDTH> Width in pixels [default: 1920]
-H, --height <HEIGHT> Height in pixels [default: 1080]
-i, --iterations <ITERATIONS> Number of iterations [default: 500]
-x <X> Real part of seed [default: 0.285]
-y <Y> Imaginary part of seed [default: 0.01]
-t, --top <TOP> Y-coordinate of top [default: 1.2]
-b, --bottom <BOTTOM> Y-coordinate of bottom [default: -1.2]
-l, --left <LEFT> X-coordinate of left [default: -2.1]
-r, --right <RIGHT> X-coordinate of right [default: 2.1]
-c, --color-map <COLOR_MAP> Path to an 8-bit RGB color map of length 256 [default: ./resources/default.cmap]
-o, --output <OUTPUT> [default: output.png]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version