
Upgrade on Mavericks hangs indefinitely

pvencill opened this issue · 4 comments

Just upgraded to Mavericks and TT informed me it needed to upgrade, which I accepted. I don't see errors, but the upgrading dialog has been going for a couple hours now and doesn't show progress. My terminal is also incredibly sluggish while it's going on, to the point of unusability.

Turns out, the installer was waiting for me to close Terminal manually; a message to that effect would have been helpful.

Seems like it. Except that it's hard to close the terminal due to the fact that you need to change tabs of anything that is typed to be registered. I had to do
ps aux | grep Terminal
change tab
change back
kill pid

How about having the updater warn the user that Terminal will be restarted during install?

Agreed. Having the same issue, same OS.

Maybe I should just add a check if Terminal is running and refuse to run installer until user does not manually quit the app.