
integration with IDA

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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BAP IDA Python

This package provides the necessary IDAPython scripts required for interoperatibility between BAP and IDA Pro. It also provides many useful feature additions to IDA, by leveraging power from BAP.


BAP-IDA integration package installs several plugins into IDA distribution. Some plugins works automatically, and do not require user intervention, while others are invoked with keybindings, or via the Edit->Plugins menu, that can be popped at with the Ctrl-3 bindging.

Function information augmentation

By just hitting the Shift+P key, IDA will call BAP which will use its own analysis (and all the information sources that it knows of) to obtain all the locations where there are functions. This information is then propagated to IDA and used to create functions there automatically. This is especially useful in scenarios where there are a lot of indirect calls etc and BAP (using its different plugins) is able to detect functions in the code which IDA is unable to do so.

Taint Propagation

By choosing a taint source and hitting either Ctrl+A (for tainting an immediate value) or Ctrl+Shift+A (for data pointed by a value), one can easily see how taint propagates through the code, in both disassembly and decompilation views.

In Text/Graph View


In Pseudocode View


BIR Attribute Tagging, with arbitrary BAP plugins

BAP has the ability to tag a lot of possible attributes to instructions. These BIR attributes can be tagged automatically as comments in IDA, by running arbitrary plugins in BAP. Just hit Shift+S.

Here's an example of output for Saluki showing that a certain malloc is unchecked (pointing to a potential vulnerability).

Clearing all BAP comments (without affecting your own personal comments in IDA) can be done by pressing Ctrl+Shift+S.

To view all current attributes in the single window hit Shift-B. You can sort attributes by clicking the columns or you can search through them using IDA's extensive search facilities (hit the Help bottom on the list to get more information). You can jump directly to the attribute location by selecting it.

In Text/Graph View


In Pseudocode View


BAP Task Manager and Viewer

Every instance of BAP will have a corresponding view, that will accumulate all data written by BAP. The BAP Viewer (Ctrl-Shift-F5) provides an easy way to switch between multiple BAP Views.

Since you can run multiple instances of BAP asynchronously, it is useful to have an ability to view the state of currently running processes, and, even, to terminate those who take too much time or memory. The BAP Task Manager (accessible via the Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F5 keybinding, or via the Ctrl-3 plugin menu) provides such functionality.


Symbol and Type Information

Whenever possible, bap-ida-python passes along the latest symbol and type information from IDA (including changes you might have made manually), so as to aid better and more accurate analysis in BAP. For example, let's say you recognize that a function is a malloc in a stripped binary, by just using IDA's rename feature (Keybinding: N), you can inform BAP of this change during the next run of, say, saluki, without needing to do anything extra. It works automagically!


Copy all of the files and directories from the plugins directory into $IDADIR/plugins.

The first run of IDA after that will prompt you to provide the path to BAP (along with a default if IDA is able to automatically detect BAP). If you wish to edit the path to BAP manually later, you can edit the file $IDADIR/cfg/bap.cfg.


It is usually much easier to install through opam if you have already followed all the installation steps in the bap repository. Just run:

opam install bap-ida

After the installation you'll see few commands that you need to run, e.g.:

=> In order to install bap-ida-python plugin:
rm -rf $IDA_PATH/plugins/bap/
cp $(opam config var prefix)/share/bap-ida-python/plugin_loader_bap.py $IDA_PATH/plugins/
cp -r $(opam config var prefix)/share/bap-ida-python/bap $IDA_PATH/plugins/
cp $(opam config var prefix)/share/bap-ida-python/bap.cfg $IDA_PATH/cfg/

where IDA_PATH denotes the root of IDA Pro installation.

You need to run all the commands manually because of the sandboxing enabled in modern versions of opam, that doesn't allow to install files outside the opam directory.


The integration package is still in alpha stage, so there are a few bugs lurking in the codebase. If you have any issues, then, please, enable the debug mode, by typing the following command in the IDA's python console:


This will increase the verbosity level, so that you can see what commands were actually issued to the bap backend. In the debug mode, the temporary files will not be removed, so they can be archived and sent to us, for the ease of debugging.

IDA Demo?

You can also use parts of the functionality (i.e. most of everything except for the decompiler outputs, and batch processing from bap) with IDA Free/Demo. However, you would need to install IDAPython. See here for what one of our users reported to work.