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符号 英文名 中文名
~ tilde or swung dash 波浪字符或代字号
` Acute, Back quote, grave, grave accent, left quote, open quote, or a push 锐音符
! Exclamation mark, Exclamation point, or Bang 惊叹号
@ Ampersat, Arobase, Asperand, At, At symbol or commercial at 爱特或小老鼠
# Octothorpe, Number, Pound, sharp, or Hash 井号
£ Pounds Sterling or Pound symbol 英镑
Euro 欧元
$ dollar sign 美元符
¢ Cent sign 美分
¥ Japanese Yen 日元
§ Micro or Section
% percent sign 百分号
° Degree
^ caret or Circumflex 脱字符
& Ampersand, Epershand, or And 与和符
* Asterisk and sometimes referred to as star. 星号
() open close parentheses, round brackets, soft brackets, or circle brackets 小括号,圆括号
[] open close brackets (US), square brackets, closed brackets or hard brackets 中括号,方括号
{} open close braces (UK and US), French brackets, curly brackets 大括号,花括号
<> angle brackets or chevrons 尖括号
_ underscore 下划线
+ plus sign 加号
Hyphen, Minus or Dash 减号
= equals sign 等号
< Less Than or Angle brackets 小于号
> Greater Than or Angle brackets 大于号
. period, full stop or dot 句号,点
, comma 逗号
: colon 冒号
; semicolon 分号
? question mark 问号
- hyphen 连字符
... ellipsis 省略号
dash 破折号
/ Forward slash, Solidus, Virgule, or Whack 斜线
\ Backslash or Reverse Solidus 反斜线
| Pipe, Or, or Vertical bar 竖线
" Quote, Quotation mark, or Inverted commas 双引号
' Apostrophe or Single Quote 单引号,省略符号
  1. 键盘符号中英文名称大全
  2. 别再用「六个点」当省略号了,这些标点都有更规范的输入方式


例如: ¥200(200円),记作"JPY¥200"。


来自When to use the terms “delimiter,” “terminator,” and “separator”

Technically a delimiter goes between things, perhaps in order to tell you where one field ends and another begins, such as in a comma-separated-value (CSV) file.

A terminator goes at the end of something, terminating the line/input/whatever.

A separator can be a delimiter or anything else that separates things. Consider the spaces between words in the English language for example.