
[minor] wrong path in '[OK] Cleanup custom locations' :

Opened this issue · 5 comments

[OK] Cleanup custom locations:
/Users/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-0.19.0/lib/system.nim: No such file or directory
/Users/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-0.19.0/lib/system.nim: No such file or directory
/Users/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-0.19.0/lib/system.nim: No such file or directory

should be:

I have no idea where this comes from. I would need some help here as I'm new to Nim.

By the way, the "Cleanup custom locations" is a simple unit test on the proc reset_coverage. It creates folders and a .info file then call reset_coverage with some parameters.

I have no idea where this comes from. I would need some help here as I'm new to Nim.

not sure either on quick inspection; but using doAssert instead of silently ignoring error codes via discard (see #11) would give a stacktrace and should reveal where it gets generated

(btw, hope you don't mind the issues I'm reporting; I think it's an awesome tool, I'm only trying to help by pointing out usability issues)

Not at all, thanks for your feedback, it's really appreciated. I'm exploring Nim through this project and I want to see if it's worth investing my time and my team in it.

I want to see if it's worth investing my time and my team in it.

I really hope it'll turn out positive ... happy to help, and the forum is usually a friendly and efficient place to ask questions (so is nim irc/gitter channel)