
Ship the SecretProviders up to pypi

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I am currently using your cfn-resource-provider base in my organization's custom resource provider, and it's great!

I would like to add the SecretProvider to my own lambda function, but not all of the others in this repository. For me, the ideal situation would be add another pip install requirement for cfn-secret-provider and then be able to import just the ones I want into my own lambda function.

If this isn't something you would like to do, I can certainly copy-paste the ones I want as a workaround.


Hi @spockNinja,

I have not thought about that, but I am certainly willing to put the providers in pypi. It might even be a better way of creating my lambdas. First a module and than a plain install the lambda container :-)

As soon as I find the time, I will refactor the source structure build system to implement your suggestion.


Hi @spockNinja, I decided not to go for this approach right now. I have many providers by now, and it is just to much hassle to go through.