[BUG]cannot find hclust2.py
DooYal opened this issue · 1 comments
Describe the bug
I cannot find hclust2.py script after installed metaphlan v3.0.14
To Reproduce
ls /home/public/.conda/envs/biobakery3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/metaphlan/utils
add_metadata_tree.py external_exec.py init.py metaphlan2krona.py parallelisation.py plot_tree_graphlan.py pyphlan.py sample2markers.py util_fun.py
calculate_unifrac.R extract_markers.py merge_metaphlan_tables.py mpa_v30_CHOCOPhlAn_201901_species_tree.nwk plot_bug.py pycache read_fastx.py strain_transmission.py
Platform (please complete the following information):
CentOS Stream 8
conda install -c bioconda python=3.7 metaphlan
Thank you for creating this issue.
We currently field issues through our bioBakery Discourse Support Forum.
If you would please post the issue to discourse we would be happy to sync up with you to get it resolved.