
New Node Lab Data Structure Missing Fields

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The lab structure currently on endylab on which the UI relies:
children: (4) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
color: "#00ffff"
created: {user: "koeng", time: 1537561523}
description: ""
fontSize: 12
id: "p-8c8a5088-8850-4380-b204-5a0f714f62ea"
layoutHeightUnits: 10 // rest of containers use xUnits and yUnits
layoutWidthUnits: 10 // rest of containers use xUnits and yUnits
name: "EndyLab"
parent_x: 1 // not needed for Lab
parent_x_span: 1 // not needed for Lab
parent_y: 1 // not needed for Lab
parent_y_span: 1 // not needed for Lab
subdivisions: [] // not used at all
type: "lab"
updated: {user: "marc4", time: 1538874629}
xUnits: 0 // rest of containers use this instead of layoutWidthUnits
yUnits: 0 // rest of containers use this instead of layoutHeightUnits

The initial lab structure, missing fields, breaks UI at the very beginning:
id: "p-de2c04a0-339f-466c-a2db-7d46d265cd81"
name: "EndyLab"
subdivisions: []
type: "lab"