
Possible overflow in

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Running on a wheat size dataset gives a truncated output without the kmer counter details;

Correct output (not wheat);
SDG Workspace
SequenceDistanceGraph SDG: 1024254 nodes, 1349282 links
Distance Graphs: 0
Paired Read Datastores: 1
Paired Reads Datastore pe: 168907918 reads
Paired Reads Mapper: 0 mapped reads, 0 unmapped
Linked Read Datastores: 0
Long Read Datastores: 0
Kmer Count Datastores: 1
KmerCounter pcrf_reads: index with 260546793 31-mers
Counts: 2
sdg: 543119471 total 31-mers
pcrf_reads: 28252065131 total 31-mers

Output for wheat;
SDG Workspace
SequenceDistanceGraph SDG: 19116679 nodes, 26420231 links
Distance Graphs: 0
Paired Read Datastores: 1
Paired Reads Datastore ei_pe: 3390968002 reads
Paired Reads Mapper: 0 mapped reads, 0 unmapped
Linked Read Datastores: 0
Long Read Datastores: 0
Kmer Count Datastores: 1

I think this is a bug in the code. 'Kmer Count Datastores' uses the same value as 'Paired Read Datastores' in workspace::ls()