
specification document (guidelines)

wilzbach opened this issue · 5 comments

specification document (guidelines)

isn't this the same like #3 (gold standard) or do we want to differentiate between specs and recommendations?


It seems to me that the general guidelines should list and describe all the best practices that we recommend, whereas the 'golden standard' is some minimal level of maturity in following these guidelines that is required to get a pretty gold ribbon on the registry page.

I.e., the gold standard page should refer back to the guidelines page.


Currently 'golden standard' and guidelines are on the same page.

So you would split it up like:


  • testing
  • linting
  • CI
  • documentation

and the 'golden standard' only states recommendations?

Ah, right. You want to make a distinction between guidelines and recommendations, the former being required and the latter not. I don't think it matters much how you organize this. :-)