
No index.js file inside lib folder of newly created biojs package

DevasenaInupakutika opened this issue · 4 comments

I was following tutorial on package basics and under step 5 i.e. Start Coding section, I couldn't find index.js under lib folder of my package.

Instead it's present in initial project directory that I created.

Is this index.js file same as <module-name.js> file under lib folder or index.js in project folder?

Seems like it should be <modulename.js> file under lib folder under project directory.

Yep I removed the index.js from slush as it was nearly empty. Your main file is specified in the package.json so the index was just an unnecessary layer. There shouldn't be any index.js anymore. Sorry for forgetting to update the edu

Yep if you run slush, your main file is in the lib folder

Yup, the need to update the edu is issued in #20

Ok, Thank you!

Slush should create a lib/index.js file - of not please reopen ;-)