
Source for more detailed client documentation?

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Working with the Thrift client has a few areas of confusion. For example:

  • How can I list all users? 'SELECT User FROM mysql.user;' doesn't work but I can't see an alternative method

  • exec_config seems to fail (InvalidRequestException) on the documentation's init.sql queries, that I can execute readily in actordb_console, so I'm confused why I would use this over exec_sql, which also applies to any other convenience method where I can approximate them all simply passing sql, but I can't find documentation describing its limitations/intended use -- I assumed it was a simple alias for use config but that hasn't proved true. Every attempt to create a user via exec_config or exec_sql has failed.

  • I can't find the documentation for list<string> flags that are available on several query methods


Calling exec_sql or exec_config and passing in the following SQL, I'm getting a Reply of "Execute exception."
Each SQL statement is on a newline. I can run this line for line in console successfully. I am logged in as root user (also created via the console).

use config
CREATE USER 'myuser' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypass' 
GRANT read,write ON * to 'myuser' 

"use config" tells console app that exec_config will be used.

Every SQL statement must have ; at the end. Console will add it if it is not present.

commit tells console to call exec_config with all statements in a single string since last commit call.

list flags are direct strings of flags we have documented in 4.2: "create" and "safe"

Thanks for taking the time to answer.

So is there no way to retrieve a list of all users?

I was reading the init.sql example too literally, missing the ; delimiting and incorporating console-only commands. I also assumed that each statement should be on a new line, even connected statements like CREATE USER ... followed by GRANT ... on a new line in init.sql.

Calling exec_config("CREATE USER 'myuser' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypass' GRANT read,write ON * to 'myuser';"); does the job. Thanks for your help!

Taking my users question to gitter, everything else is solved.