
Basic Starter Questions

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Hello, I have had my first look at actordb and I'm prototyping and testing in Windows/VStudio.
My current projects (.NET) address MySQL/MariaDB or SQLite. And my ORM creates and modifies database, when needed.
Could you give me some help to do the first steps and (if so) tell me, if what I want to do is not possible.
I would like to use actordb on a few Clients (10 or more) and every Windows Client has his own database that syncs with the other nodes.

I want every client to connect to his localhost database. Do I need to create a database first in the Shell?
How can I set the Username/Pass to connect to in ActorDB?

Actually I use these connectionstrings to connect to my databases:
connectionString="XpoProvider=MySql;Server=localhost;User ID=root;Password=pass;Persist Security Info=true;Charset=utf8;Database=myDatabase"/> ;

connectionString="XpoProvider=SQLite;Data Source=myDatabase.db;Journal Mode=WAL;Synchronous=0;Cache=Shared;Temp Store=MEMORY" />

In what manner do I need to modify the CS to connect to ActorDB?
Can I connect to ActorDB with MySQL-Workbench or HeidiSQL?
Do I need to patch the SQL Statements, if every Client just connects to his local database?

Thanks very much for your help in Advance

I want every client to connect to his localhost database.

This is not how it works. Actors are managed by ActorDB and you connect to it. It should be connectable using a MySQL/MariaDB driver. ORM's are not likely to be compatible though because the actor statement is not standard.

How can I set the Username/Pass to connect to in ActorDB?

Same as you do with mysql.

Can I connect to ActorDB with MySQL-Workbench or HeidiSQL?


Thanks Sergej for your detailed explanation.
For now this (my orm) prevents me to use actordb.
Though I'm thinking of creating/extending a driver.
But I suppose, I should wait for your next version?!