
Orange Canvas will not open Mac OS 10.9.5

umendi opened this issue · 2 comments

MOVED TO Orange3 repository as suggested. LINK:

I have downloaded the last Orange3 version for Mac (Orange3-3.5.0.dmg), installed it as described and tried to open it using right click, open.

The orange icon appears briefly and then disappears. No GUI is loaded. I managed to keep the Orange3 icon on the dock but no matter what I do to open it it always automatically close without providing any system error.

I did not have any version of Python installed on this system (which was the issue I read here for another user with Windows 7).

Could you please open this issue on the orange3 repository
The biolab/orange repository is for the legacy version of Orange, while everything related to Orange3 has been moved to the new repository.

Sorry about it. I opened over there. Closing it here.