
๐Ÿ› Biome return errors more than one

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Biome version


Operating system

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux


Hello, We have a weird problem in our vscode with biome.

Sometimes Biome doesn't display warnings once, but x times, as if there were several instances of Biome in the background.

This is all the more problematic when saving fixes (and especially when reordering imports), which can cause Biome to step on itself between its different instances.

The only way we've found to undo this is to completely restart VSCode, which is not an acceptable solution in the medium/long term :


And for example before formating :

import { httpErrorMiddleware } from '@aquassay/errors';
import middy from '@aquassay/helper-middy';
import { httpPostMiddlewares } from '@aquassay/helper-middy';
import { getOrg, rightMiddlewares } from '@aquassay/middleware-rights';
import ImportMeasureSchema from '../schemas/importMeasure.js';
import { validate } from '@aquassay/middleware-validator';
import { success } from '@aquassay/responses';
import { convertFileToMeasures } from '../helpers/file.js';
import ImportSchema from '../schemas/import.js';

And after :

import { httpErrorMiddleware } from '@aquassay/errors';
import middy from '@aquassay/helper-middy';
import { httpPostMiddlewares } from '@aquassay/helper-middy';
import { getOrg, rightMiddlewares } from '@aquassay/middleware-rights';
import ImportSchema from '../schemas/import.js';
import ImportMeasureSchema from '../schemas/importMeasure.js';
import ImportMeasureSchema from '../schemas/importMeasure.js';
import ImportMeasureSchema from '../schemas/importMeasure.js';
import ImportMeasureSchema from '../schemas/importMeasure.js';

Steps to reproduce

Unknown, We don't know why biome runs several times in the background

Expected behavior

Biome for vscode launch correctly with only one instance and all formatting is correct.

Does this issue occur when using the CLI directly?

Not sure / Not applicable


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