
๐Ÿ› : Decorators are not valid here. biome(parse)

Closed this issue ยท 4 comments

VS Code version


Extension version


Biome version


Operating system

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux


When using NestJs and using parameter decorators, biome complains about it not being valid.

If disabling it in the biome.json file with the following code:

"javascript": {
		"parser": {
			"unsafeParameterDecoratorsEnabled": true

The cli tool, can run fine, however the VScode extension still reports it as a problem.

Steps to reproduce

Decorate a parameter, and allow for unsafeParameterDecorators, and see vscode extension still failing.

Expected behavior

For the VSCode extension to report the same issues as the cli tool does.

Does this issue occur when using the CLI directly?



No response

VSCode isn't able to load your configuration file. Where is it placed? What do you see in the output/logs? Did you read the troubleshooting section?

It's a monorepo setup, and it goes like this:


  • package.json (with biome/biomejs installed as devDep)
  • biome.json
  • packages/backend/
    • package.json (with biome/biomeJs installed as devDep)
    • biome.json (this one extends the root biome.json)

Here is the gist for the four files.

Update: Just using the root configuration file and no other configuration files inside the packages in a monorepo, seems to work.

I was about to say that. Nested config files aren't supported