
Biome interferes Astro.config Files

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I have noticed when biome is enabled/disabled it interferes the
astro-build.astro-vscode extension if you uninstall it doesn't.

  • Biome-extension: v2.1.1
  • Astro-extension: v2.6.2
  • VSCode: v1.85.2
  • OS Information: MacOS Sonoma Version 14.2

What do you mean it interferes ?

A minimal reproduction repository would help, too.

As I have been busy working a library, I will get back to you with a reproduction repo and a video as soon as I can.

Hey @Eveeifyeve,

There hasn't been any activity here for more than 3 weeks and there isn't enough for us to start troubleshooting the issue, so I'll close it for now. Feel free to open a new issue with more details a reproduction.

Sorry there is no activity @nhedger i have been busy with a few libraries i have built i will provide one this week.