
๐Ÿ› Getting ```Incorrect type, expected a string, but received an object``` when trying to use the rule called ```noRestrictedErrors```

Closed this issue ยท 3 comments

Environment information

  Version:                      1.9.4
  Color support:                true

  CPU Architecture:             x86_64
  OS:                           linux

  BIOME_LOG_PATH:               unset
  BIOME_LOG_PREFIX_NAME:        unset
  BIOME_CONFIG_PATH:            unset
  NO_COLOR:                     unset
  TERM:                         "xterm-256color"
  JS_RUNTIME_VERSION:           "v20.13.1"
  JS_RUNTIME_NAME:              "node"
  NODE_PACKAGE_MANAGER:         "yarn/4.5.0"

Biome Configuration:
  Status:                       Loaded successfully
  Formatter disabled:           false
  Linter disabled:              false
  Organize imports disabled:    false
  VCS disabled:                 true

  Open Documents:               0

What happened?

  1. Prepare a config by using yarn biome init
  2. Include the following snippet to the newly created config
"nursery": {
    "noRestrictedImports": {
      "level": "error",
      "options": {
        "paths": {
          "react-redux": {}
  1. Pay attention to the errors with the config highlighted by json-schema validator

Actual result: there's an error saying that the key expects a string but not an object


Expected result

There are no errors related to data types. It is possible to use objects

P.S. The docs show the very example. It does not work though.


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The docs aren't a reflection of the current version, unfortunately. The new features were added recently in main and they will be released in the next nightly or stable version.

@ematipico , thanks! When do you plan to deploy the new release?

We don't have ETAs