
Primary LanguageVim Script


  • Install a new bare NixOS system on an EFI compatible system, login as root
  • nix-env -i git vim
  • vi /etc/nixos/smb-secrets (format username=X\npassword=Y)
  • chmod 0400 /etc/nixos/smb-secrets
  • git clone https://github.com/biox/dotfiles
  • cp .dotfiles/configuration.nix /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
  • nixos-rebuild switch
  • reboot
  • Login as jesse
  • vi -> :GoInstallBinaries
  • git clone https://github.com/biox/dotfiles
  • stow vim/reshift/zsh/etc/whatever
  • DONE

GPG setup

  • Attach smartcard
  • gpg --card-edit
  • fetch
  • quit
  • gpg --edit-key key_id
  • "I trust ultimately"

enter passwords as required


  • replace topbar with fontawesome icons
  • autostart everything via i3
  • configure twmn and autostart it
  • Import all of my musick w/ beets, overwrite it on server
  • change terminal font to Source Code Pro and increase size to 13pt
  • Find suitable music player appy (yay deadbeef)
  • Figure out how GTK themes work and make deadbeef look perty
  • Store dotfiles in nixos config (.i3/config .i3blocks .zshrc .tmux.conf .beetsconfig etc)
  • Fix shitty vim outline
  • Make polybar comfy

GPG Project

  • buy a yubikey OpenPGP smartcard
  • generate GPG master keypair + 3 subkeys
  • Store master on paper + usb drive
  • Store subkey secrets on yubikey OpenPGP smartcard
  • SSH auth via GPG
  • sup + msmtp + offlineimap via GPG
  • pass via GPG
  • git via GPG
  • figure out email encryption via GPG

WireGuard Project

  • configure wireguard (local server running headphones to download music -> VPN via wireguard to the outside world)

Blog Project

  • Auto-deploy blog on nixos via nixops on DO (project)

Tectonic Project

  • Setup tectonic locally via virtualbox ayy