
im trying to recover my p2sh bitcoin funds to another address...

DHB94 opened this issue · 9 comments

DHB94 commented

I'm trying to send a transaction on , but it gives me an error message stating "the fees are too high, please contact support"
could someone help me please ?

Your address has too many UTXOs.
That warning shows up when it calculates the fees will be >= 0.1 BTC...

It calculates the estimated fee by a function of:

  • The number of unspent coins (number of tx inputs)
  • The size of one input's scriptSig

So one of those is extremely big.

Since Bitcoin has a limit on the size of a scriptSig, it makes me think you probably have thousands of many small small small payments to your address over a long period of time?

  1. Try selecting 0.00001 BTC/kB fee
  2. If that is still causing the error, you can disable the error like follows:
Click Here to read

  • download the whole website (from github)
  • after unzipping the folder, find createp2sh.html and open in a text editor
  • Change the following:


      if (fees > 10000000){
          alert("fees too high, please contact support");
      } else if (fees < 1000){
          fees = 1000;


      if (fees < 1000){
          fees = 1000;
  • Open createp2sh.html file directly in your browser and use normally.

DHB94 commented

Hi, thank you for your swift response.
when I try to broadcast the generated raw transaction manually it the says tx is too big.
is there anyway to fix that ?
its 532382 bytes.

DHB94 commented

what does a scriptsig solution look like,
is there a typical format ?

DHB94 commented

I figured out my signatures, but when I click send
it loads which is offline..
Is there a workaround for sending my transaction ?

DHB94 commented

I figured out my scriptsig, but I’m having issues getting the tool to detect my funds via mainnet it says no funds even though it has significant funds.
It only started all of a sudden.
Could you please recommend a similar tool or help me fix this one ?
Thank You,
David :)

The API used in this tool is broken now... the whole app will need to be re-written for a new API... which is a big task... ☹️

DHB94 commented

Is there’s some way I could help in that regard ?
I’m pretty good at modifications replacing links and modifying code.
If not I was hoping maybe you might know any other tool that’s similar to this one.
Because this one was perfect,
In fact I created a tx as a test sometime ago.
This was from one of my other address a 3 of 5

You could make a pull request and I can review it for you, but idk if it will ever be merged...

If not, you could make your pull request into a fork easily.

@junderw I'll make you maintainer.