
Japanese test vectors for BIP39

ryanxcharles opened this issue · 22 comments

I am trying to make my BIP39 implementation equivalent to yours, and I'm having problems with the japanese test vectors. Take the last test vector for instance.

The mnemonic is this:

うちゅう ふそく ひしょ がちょう うけもつ めいそう みかん そざい いばる うけとる さんま さこつ おうさま ぱんつ しひょう めした たはつ いちぶ つうじょう てさぎょう きつね みすえる いりぐち かめれおん

And passphrase is this:


The test vector says the seed should be this:


However, I get this value:


I suspected that this had something to do with spaces. I tried replacing the japanese space with the english space, however that did not fix the problem.

Furthermore, when I try to run your BIP39 implementation from node, I get the same value as my code, which is this:


Any ideas what I might be doing that is systematically wrong? I have no problems with the english test vectors, only the japanese ones. Thanks!

G'day Ryan, what language are you coding in?

Hi, I'm using javascript. My code is here:

I do not have a version of my code that fails the japanese test vectors, however I could put it up if you would like to see it.

Hmmm so am I to understand that the code you posted passes the JP tests?

No, the code I posted does not pass the JP tests. It just doesn't run them at all. I haven't put that version on github. However, I will do so, so you can see. Hang on.

Ah ok, yes please put that up and I shall look for you.

Ok just looked at it now. The wordlist itself has to be UTF8-NFKD Normalised, this is very important and I noticed that when copying the wordlist and pasting into my code, It actually lost the Normalisation. So What I had to do was copy from the web browser into Notepad and then save the notepad txt file with UTF8 encoding then copy from that into my code. If that doesn't work, you will need to force normalisation before processing the mnemonic, are you doing Normalisation of the Mnemonic before using it by chance?

Thanks for your help. Using vim, I copied the strings from file to file using the yank command, which as best I can tell is byte-for-byte accurate, and got the same results.

Is it possible there is a flaw in the test vectors? I used the implementation of bip39 in this library and got the same results. Consider this little node program, executed from the same directory as bip39.js:

var BIP39 = require('./bip39');
var bip39 = new BIP39('jp');
var vectors = require('../test_JP_BIP39');
var mnemonic = vectors[23].mnemonic;
var passphrase = vectors[23].passphrase;
var seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic, passphrase);

It should output two equivalent strings. Instead, it outputs the following:


Two inequivalent strings. Which one is correct? Note that the version in this library gives the same output as my code. Either both implementations are wrong in the same way, or the test vectors are wrong.


do you have this commit?

This commit was nevessary to make my test vectors equivalent to python-mnemonic.

Yes, I have the most recent commit.

Hi mate, I'm not the author of the test vectors however with the exception of the mnemonic which has been butchered from NFKD normalised to a format that has ideographic (wide) spaces, I believe the output comes from the reference code.

I was able to make my code (The .NET implementation) work with these test vectors as long as applied the proper UTF8-NFKD normalisation so I think your issue is either in the normalisation or perhaps the passphrase (be sure to normalise it too!) (You are correct byte for byte, but remember normalisation derives different bytes! so if your byte for byte pull is coming from a not normilised source, you will pull not normalised bytes). I can confirm that the words listed in the wordlist when copied from the GitHub website (usine IE and just copied and pasted into Visual Studio) do not come UTF8 -NKFD and I had to do the saving in UTF8 that I mentioned to force it!

Also, with your passphrase are you adding the word "mnemonic" in front of it as we are told to do in the spec?


Also check my old (incorrect) json file in this diff.
If yours matches up with my old vectors then the problem is the normalization commit above.

Also, check the reference implementation. It inserts ideographic spaces now.

When normalized, all ideographic spaces will change to ASCII spaces. If they are not being properly normalized by your code, perhaps look into a normalization library.

@dabura667 oh good news about the ideographic output in the reference implementation. That is ideal!

I just looked at your mnemonic to seed function.

Before doing new Buffer on mnemonic and the passphrase, you must normalize first.

mnemonic = mnemonic.normalize('nfkd')
passphrase = passphrase.normalize('nfkd')

Is required.

Japanese characters become completely different utf-8 bytes when run through nfkd.

Your code gives me the correct result if I add two lines normalizing mnemon and passphrase before line 117.

Thanks a lot - you guys were correct. I added the "unorm" library and that fixed the problem. Here are the relevant lines of code:

I was assuming that I simply had to have the correct byte-for-byte unicode characters, without realizing that the NFKD normalization process would change many more characters than just the space.

No worries, these JP test vectors are really good for ensuring you're doing correct normalisation huh!!!

Good call on unorm.

I forgot about it, but some browsers don't support .normalize(), best to use unorm.

Closing as this issue is resolved.

No worries, these JP test vectors are really good for ensuring you're doing correct normalisation huh!!!

Yes indeed!

I forgot about it, but some browsers don't support .normalize(), best to use unorm.

Yeah, some browser don't support it, and node doesn't support it either. So the unorm library is necessary.

@dabura667 I have now reverted to using your test vectors in their pure form with the wide spaces and I have made my .NET implementation output the mnemonic for Japanese with the wide characters to match what you have done in the reference code so mine is the same :)