A CLI to automate the creation of a GitHub Action.
$ npm install -g @birdcar/quick
$ quick COMMAND
running command...
$ quick (--version)
@birdcar/quick/0.2.2 darwin-arm64 node-v16.15.1
$ quick --help [COMMAND]
$ quick COMMAND
Create a new GitHub Action in a subdirectory
$ quick create [NAME] [-e <value>] [-a <value>] [-c] [-d <value>] [-g <value>] [-i <value>] [-o <value>]
NAME The name of the action you'd like to create (will be slugified)
-a, --authorName=<value> The given name of the author (uses git config if not provided)
-c, --composite Generate a composite rather than a Node action
-d, --description=<value> The description for the action
-e, --authorEmail=<value> The public email of the author (uses git config if not provided)
-g, --githubHandle=<value> The GitHub username of the author (uses origin remote if value isn't provided and remote
is available)
-i, --inputs=<value>... The input values you want the action to take, if any (specified as
`name:description:required:default`. Multiples are allowed).
-o, --outputs=<value>... The output values you want the action to return, if any (specified as
`name:description:required:default`. Multiples are allowed).
Create a new GitHub Action in a subdirectory
$ quick create "Add to project"
$ quick create "Add to project" --composite
$ quick create add_to_project --authorName="Mona Octocat" --authorEmail="mona.octocat@example.com"
$ quick create add_to_project -g octocat
$ quick create "Hello World" --description="greet someone and record the time" --inputs who-to-greet:"who to greet":true:"World" --outputs time:"The time we greeted you"
See code: dist/commands/create.ts
Display help for quick.
$ quick help [COMMAND] [-n]
COMMAND Command to show help for.
-n, --nested-commands Include all nested commands in the output.
Display help for quick.
See code: @oclif/plugin-help