Run sopare via python script
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Hello there!
I am trying (or want to try) to run sopare via a python script (version 2.7). I know about the plugins and that you can create your own but I don't know how to access them in a script outside the virtual environment (is that where you install the module if you follow the instructions on your official website?).
I know about the subprocess module for python but I don't know it well enough to actually get the results I need.
Problem is, I'd like to access it outside the environment (or enter it via the script) because I want to access other modules not in the environment in the same file.
I'd appreciate your help!
Sorry but I don't understand what you want to approach and where you want help in particular. In addition it's unclear how your environment looks like and where the problem is - even if it is an issue at all.
Reporting an issue should make clear what the issue is about, the expected results, the actual results and the steps to reproduce. Furthermore the setup and environment details like version numbers, used software....