
Scrap Clipboard

Opened this issue · 10 comments


Get all the information from the clipboard

  • Store text in the clipboard
  • Store image in a clipboard
  • Get the recent item from the clipboard
  • Get a list of the currently available types

Technologies and Languages

  • Python
  • Javascript

Any other language and technologies are also fine.

Aditional Work

Make a GUI for this application

Can I try this out?
Also, is this a CLI application or something that runs in the background?

You can have this as a CLI application or you can make a GUI for this application as well .

@Krishna-Sivakumar Any progress?

@Krishna-Sivakumar Any progress?
yeah, I've figured out a part of it. The PR will be up pretty soon

Okay cool. Waiting for your PR

any updates @Krishna-Sivakumar ??

you can expect a PR this week.

Okay fine. Looking forward to it

Hey, @bislara I see no update on this issue from the assigned user. Is it still open? Can I take it up?

Hi @SouvikDcoder, Go ahead and work on it.