
For Cycle 14

Closed this issue · 6 comments

m52go commented


Specify the total amount of BSQ you are requesting, along with the USD total and BSQ/USD rate (don't include the brackets!):

  • BSQ requested: 6785
  • USD requested: 4275
  • BSQ rate: 0.63 USD per BSQ
  • Previous compensation request (if applicable): #572

Contributions delivered

Add contributions you have delivered and roles you have performed here as new rows in the table below. Role line-items should include an asterisk (*) in the team column.

Title Team USD Link Notes
Prepare wiki for public rollout support 2500 bisq-network/projects#8 (comment) Edited 100+ pages down to 60: wording, formatting, screenshots, structure, etc. and created new articles where necessary...see logs here for m52go and Plebeian9000.
Twitter Admin growth* 1500 bisq-network/roles#21 (comment)
Bitcoin Node Operator ops* 50 bisq-network/roles#67 (comment)
BSQ Explorer Operator ops* 100 bisq-network/roles#11 (comment)
YouTube Admin growth* 25 bisq-network/roles#56 (comment)
Website Maintainer growth* 50 bisq-network/roles#12 (comment)
Payment Methods Maintainer growth* 25 bisq-network/roles#38 (comment)
Growth Team Lead growth* 0 bisq-network/roles#100 (comment)
Community Manager growth* 0 bisq-network/roles#95 (comment)
Docs Maintainer support* 25 bisq-network/roles#29 (comment)

Contributions in progress

Provide links to work you're involved with that is still in progress. This section is optional (the linter ignores it), and is for your own benefit in keeping track of what you're doing and keeping other contributors up to date with the same.

New getting started page and videos were delivered, but I'm not requesting compensation for either right now.

@MwithM MwithM assigned cbeams 1 minute ago

Thanks, @MwithM, but with my departure, team lead compensation requests should be reviewed by one or more other team leads. I'm not sure exactly how this should be done, i.e. who should be chosen to review whose requests, but one simple way is for the team lead to simply request that another specific team lead do the review. Maybe it would be good to agree amongst the six team leads on a "buddy system" where each cycle, the same leads review each others' requests. That would be good for consistency of reviews and efficiency of process.

So, @m52go, could you name a reviewer?

m52go commented

@wiz @ripcurlx could I have a team-lead review please?

wiz commented

great job on the wiki

m52go commented


Issuance by Team:

team amount
GROWTH 2539.42 BSQ
OPS 238.07 BSQ

Total Issuance: 6785.00 BSQ (equivalent to: 4275.00 USD)

Closed as: accepted