
Python script, which takes colorscheme from PyWal and applies to Razer Chroma devices

Primary LanguagePython


Python script, which generates colorscheme of current wallpaper using pywal, and applies to all Razer Chroma devices which are connected, using openrazer.


Python3 PyWal OpenRazer


Place script file somewhere you feel comfortable, and than just add it to autostart how you usually do it.

Warning: It's recommended to put script after pywal in autostart

Example for i3:

Copy razerwal.py to ~/.config/i3/

# ~/.config/i3/config:
exec_always --no-startup-id wal -i ~/Pictures/wallpapers # Pywal startup (that's just example)
exec_always --no-startup-id python3 ~/.config/i3/razerwal.py # Execute the script

Thank you