
OS X Support?

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Are there any plans for OS X support?

I believe the asm could be shared with Linux given that the default compiler for OS X is Apple Clang which uses the same asm syntax, unless I'm mistaken.

If I ever have access to a mac device i'm more then happy to make sure it works there. I think your right however and that porting should not be too much of a pain. If apple have changed their ABI however (like microsoft did) then it would need a specific OS X version.

Maybe we can have a look at it over lunch sometime, I'll bring my MacBook.

I merged in most of your changes for adding OSX support. However I didnt take the auto selection of the target in CMake as I have remember why I didn’t do that previously. From what I can see CMake is really crappy when it comes to detecting the host processor, however I need to be able to select between x86, Arm, Mips, PowerPC, etc all running on Linux. Its easy from C but seems hard to do in CMake.

I do need to test the osx stuff after the merge, as I may have broken stuff.

Just pulled the latest changes, four of the five tests pass but test_fpregs crashes, is there some form of debug output I can get from lldb for you?

This is in part because I buggered up my little test suite. It would report a crash even if a test fails an assert. I am about to patch this shortly. I think however this fail may be caused by coroutines not preserving the FPU state, but perhaps we can have a look at this on your mac some time?

Sure I can bring it on Thursday again if that suites you.

Yeah that would be cool! I can actualy see the same problem in release mode with the windows x64 build. I seems to be an sse instruction, movaps, dereferencing a nullptr, in my test coroutine. It seems to happen in the prologue, so I suspect I have violated the ABI somehow :/