Chrome Color Picker
devalladares opened this issue · 4 comments
Chrome updated their color picker, which seemed to break the gui. Found a solution here:
@devalladares Thanks for the solution!
Any update on whether support for chromes new color picker will be added? If not, this library renders extremely broken for my use :/
I had this issue too, and I found the solution.
The new color picker in chrome follows the <input type="color">
element wherever it goes, in contrast to for example Firefox's color picker which opens in its own separate window. The problem arises because the <input type="color">
is styled to be pushed way off screen so that it cannot be seen, which also takes the new color picker off screen.
This is the styling that causes it:
.qs_color {
position: absolute;
left: -999999px
Here is the fix, which hides the input element but still shows the color picker:
.qs_color {
position: absolute;
left: 5px;
visibility: hidden;
Incredible!!! Thank you so much :))