
Consists of solutions for popular interview questions

Primary LanguageC++


If you've just received a call for an interview for a programming based job, you would almost expect some programming related questions. In fact, you'll be asked to do some programming in the interview. The thought of knowing the whole room is watching you code on a whiteboard is genuinely scary. The pressure is immense! But you'd feel calm if you are confident in your programming abilities.

The question is; Are you confident? Do you have a lot of programming experience? Do you think you have what it takes to step into the field?

Whatever situation you're in, if you give ago at each of the practice question in this repository. You'll be ready.

Before diving into code, most interviewers like to chitchat about your background. They're looking for:

  • Metacognition - About coding. Do you think about how to code well?

  • Ownership/leadership - Do you see your work through to completion? Do you fix things that aren't quite right, even if you don't have to?

  • Communication - Would chatting with you about a technical problem be useful or painful?

    If all you know how to do is write glue code, you may call yourself a code monkey. Lots of glue code needs to be written and you can make a decent living as a code monkey. To call yourself a Real Programmer TM and be trusted when code needs to be written from scratch, you have to know algorithms, data structures, memory management, pointers, assembly language, etc. and understand how to use this knowledge to evaluate trade offs.

You should have at least one:

  • example of an interesting technical problem you solved
  • example of an interpersonal conflict you overcame
  • example of leadership or ownership
  • story about what you should have done differently in a past project
  • piece of trivia about your favorite language, and something you do and don't like about said language
  • question about the company's product/business
  • question about the company's engineering strategy (testing, Scrum, etc)

Within this repository, I will be adding all the coding interview related problems here with solutions.

Feel free to use them and make them efficient in any way.

Coding Questions