
Add component and host indexes

Closed this issue · 3 comments

After #21, each PR page will have a component and host tag. Add per-component and per-host index pages so interested users can look for all PRs by a component. I expect the URL scheme will be eg,, etc

Sounds good. I'd suggest the following route format: /plural-path/:id-name, e.g. /components/7-wallet or /hosts/1-jnewbery to anticipate index listings: /posts, /components, /hosts, etc.

The ids are optional at this point and are habit from the idea of storing these things in a database.

If this continues, e.g. adding features, domains, search and so on, it may be less and less a static website and converting it to a database-backed Ruby on Rails app at some point with an admin backend for handling tables of posts, components, or hosts might make sense.

That said, I have no other experience with static websites or Jekyll, so this might be me projecting what I previously knew well (database-backed web apps with admin backends) where it isn't necessary. At least, definitely not yet.

Thanks for the suggestions @jonatack !

I'd suggest the following route format: /plural-path/:id-name

Using the plural noun in the path seems reasonable and matches what we do at for example. I don't think the indexes are necessary (and I'd prefer not to be 1-jnewbery :) )

converting it to a database-backed Ruby on Rails app ... might make sense.

I'd much prefer keeping this as a static website as long as we can. The benefits are that it's less maintenance and easier to develop against (eg it's very easy for me to do a make preview of this site and host it locally). It's also much easier to rehost a static website anywhere. For example, we moved the website from github pages to netlify with a few clicks. Having that kind of flexibility would be difficult with a database-backed website. Jekyll is quite powerful and has been able to handle everything we've thrown at it for the bitcoinops website, including the new compatibility site.

Yes, agreed!