
Get feedback on random activity generator feature

Closed this issue · 2 comments

  • Align on what questions to ask
  • Create feedback assets
  • Send to participants
  • Summarize and discuss insights
  • Implement findings

Some questions to ask (based on #111, which may be subject to change), we can phrase nicely but key ideas I'd like to hit are:

  • Would you forsee yourself using random activity, predefined user-generated activity or a combination of both?
  • If using random activity, would it be important to have some nodes that do not send any payments and operate only as routing nodes?
  • Is "multiplier on capacity" an intuitive way to express the level of "business" in the network?
  • When using a tool like this, is the size of payment that it is generating particularly important to you?
  • Are there any types of activity that are important to you to see? For example, big->big node, small -> big etc.

Will drop more in as they come!


I think something as simple as a 1 min Loom video could be good to set context. "Here's what we're working on. Here's what the random activity generator would do."

Then just include these questions as a follow up.

Really low effort but since already spoke with some of these people, might work really well