
Support building custom PRs with k8s

Opened this issue · 3 comments

In #178, custom PRs are not supported, unless they have been built and pushed to bitcoindevproject/bitcoin-core. Your everyday user will not have access to this docker hub account, so we need a way for them to build images and make them available to the cluster.

A few ideas:

  • Build locally and push to a "local registry" running in the cluster
  • Build inside the cluster (I was able to do this with Kaniko) and push to a local registry
  • Build the images as tar files and put them in a volume?
  • Something else?

This could be handled all by the RPC server, and then nothing changes for the tanks: they still expect an image to be available in some sort of registry

We can now build images and push to any repo using warcli image build command

I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a user to have access to a (free) dockerhub account? In addition, I think the above suggestions, are difficult to implement.

@josibake can you close this if you agree with me?

@willcl-ark closed by #397 ?

I would like to reopen this (but not for TABConf).

I think we should guide users through building a custom image, and uploading to This can be done quite nicely now using inquirer and checking for env vars DOCKERHUB_USERNAME and DOCKERHUB_PASS (or similar).

IMO a new user should be able to pick this up and, either as part of quickstart or image build have this application handle/hand-hold them through the entire process.