
add fork observer to docs

Closed this issue · 7 comments

in addition, maybe clean up ports each of the web UI services use, or try to reunite them again like #121

+1 on port cleanup (and prob best to switch from default ports to avoid clashes with common ports such as 8080?)

~0 on a dashboard. I think a super-simple homepage could make sense, with links to each of:

  • Grafana
  • Fork Observer
  • Prometheus
  • CAdvisor

I suppose it could be a dashboard of sorts, if it called warcli network status it could tell you that info?

It could even be something as barebones as this (raw untested ChatGPT code special):

import http.server
import socketserver
import sys

class SimpleHTTPRequestHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
    def do_GET(self):
        self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
        services = ['CAdvisor', 'Prometheus', 'Grafana', 'Fork Observer']
        response_html = "<html><body><h1>Service Links</h1>" + "".join(f'<p><a href="http://localhost:{port}/">{name}</a></p>' for name, port in zip(services, sys.argv[1:])) + "</body></html>"

server_port = int(sys.argv[1])
httpd = socketserver.TCPServer(("", server_port), SimpleHTTPRequestHandler)

and we could run it as a subprocess, passing the main server port, and 4 service ports as command line arguments?

@Extheoisah @pinheadmz thoughts? Perhaps just as easy to write a quick server in another language too... (but we already have python dependency...)

quick server

We're already running a server with RPC endpoints, can that proxy some http endpoints too? localhost:6660/grafana localhost:6660/fork-observer etc ?

ChatGPT reckons something like this can work using the same flask instance as the RPC server...

from flask import Flask, send_from_directory
from flask_jsonrpc import JSONRPC

app = Flask(__name__)
jsonrpc = JSONRPC(app, '/api')

def index():
    return send_from_directory('static', 'index.html')

def link1():
    return send_from_directory('static', 'link1.html')

def link2():
    return send_from_directory('static', 'link2.html')

def link3():
    return send_from_directory('static', 'link3.html')

def link4():
    return send_from_directory('static', 'link4.html')

def ping():
    return 'pong'

if __name__ == '__main__':

Seems relatively un-complex, and will work nicely if we containerise the server (as done in the k8s pull)? Just navigate to the container IP address?

I don't think the dashboards are static though, they probably also need websockets?

Would the links not just be to e.g. <grafana_container_ip>:? I'm not good at webdev stuff, might bow out here...

(I wasn't talking about piping the dashboards into this page, just linking out to them)

closing, currently no fork obserer