
Getting non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Invalid Schnorr signature) on taproot key path spending with LEDGER nano

pxr64 opened this issue · 1 comments

pxr64 commented

This is the input that im trying to sign using ledger nano S+

  witnessUtxo: {
    script: new Uint8Array([81, 32, 118, 86, 80, 148, 230, 79, 149, 84, 93, 7, 31, 137, 56, 158, 32, 95, 128, 54, 25, 97, 180, 102, 213, 25, 39, 51, 123, 126, 112, 19, 110, 155]),
    value: 546,
  tapKeySig: new Uint8Array([202, 15, 138, 195, 101, 213, 113, 75, 209, 251, 28, 109, 58, 117, 14, 187, 241, 103, 150, 57, 238, 198, 36, 174, 84, 91, 97, 60, 189, 77, 182, 42, 149, 114, 123, 73, 116, 49, 123, 89, 232, 156, 187, 12, 240, 191, 186, 131, 151, 12, 192, 105, 12, 40, 11, 51, 117, 85, 181, 122, 92, 116, 234, 126]),
  tapBip32Derivation: [
      masterFingerprint: new Uint8Array([195, 83, 11, 14]),
      pubkey: new Uint8Array([202, 47, 78, 113, 83, 233, 132, 5, 55, 191, 243, 245, 58, 134, 33, 9, 247, 86, 243, 5, 194, 232, 55, 214, 212, 132, 164, 4, 221, 28, 78, 26]),
      path: "m/86'/0'/0'/0/0",
      leafHashes: [
  tapInternalKey: new Uint8Array([202, 47, 78, 113, 83, 233, 132, 5, 55, 191, 243, 245, 58, 134, 33, 9, 247, 86, 243, 5, 194, 232, 55, 214, 212, 132, 164, 4, 221, 28, 78, 26]),

Does anybody have an ideea of what I am missing?

NVM it was an issue on xverse side