
add rss feed

adamjonas opened this issue · 8 comments

should be done on the client

@adamjonas could you please add more details on this?

what data are we targetting for the rss feed, daily updates and active discussions or all the summaries?

All summaries. I'm not seeing how we can do daily updates right now.

All summaries. I'm not seeing how we can do daily updates right now.

We already have a daily cron job that updates submodules which has the latest homepage.json which contains the header_summary, active_posts and recent_posts.

I'm thinking putting all the summaries in a single rss.xml might have a performance bottleneck for rss readers

All recent posts for a given month?

I think its daily, let me confirm from urvish.

But its not really an issue as we can add a new object to the homepage.json file, or better still I can do all that on the api route so it just return the xml

I think the question is do we do all summaries or monthly summaries?

Probably monthly. All summaries is likely too much, right?

Probably monthly. All summaries is likely too much, right?

yes, that's what I think. We can increment the scope gradually and see how it performs

Let me get started on that

closed via #92