
Add some separator between sections

nourou4them opened this issue · 4 comments

Context: When visiting the website, we can see a lot information and an uninformed user could miss some discussions on the way due to the fact that there are not clearly separated, even if they are well organised.

Idea: Add separators between discussions or add a shadow under each section (or each 2 sections).

Screenshot from 2023-11-01 15-22-40

Exemple of separators:
Screenshot from 2023-11-01 16-24-12

Since you haven't mentioned how much gap you need between the separators, I have added it from my side which seemed best to me in the linked PR. Let me know if you want to increase or decrease the gap otherwise.

I think the gap is perfect.
It would be cool if the separators are more visible, with a dark grey or black.

I'm happy with a more subtle one to start if that's ok @nourou4them