
Make it easy for me as a user to understand where an individual email summary lives in the context of the broader thread

aassoiants opened this issue · 2 comments

Right now, if a user lands on an individual mail summary, it's hard to figure out where it lives in the context of the broader thread (if at all).

So, if a user lands, say, here, there should be some way to go up in the information architecture to the broader thread summary. Or to know that this reply is part of a broader thread and not standalone.

A few ideas (red box for emphasis)

  1. Simple link with the same phrasing on all individual emails

  2. Breadcrumb, which will require more work and could be interesting to help user navigate if/ when we get more sources to draw from

This is harder than it appears. I think we will have to add these to the xml in order to put on the individual summary pages.

@urvishp80 thoughts on this?

This is harder than it appears. I think we will have to add these to the xml in order to put on the individual summary pages.

@urvishp80 thoughts on this?

we figured out a way to do this on the frontend as a temporary solution #119