bitemyapp/learnhaskell now has cabal-install, happy and alex

nomeata opened this issue · 3 comments

In you suggest building cabal-install from source. This should no longer be necessary, has cabal-install, happy and alex.

hvr's repo has Cabal HEAD now and it's not clear to me that debian stable will keep pace with GHC (there is a release imminent).

Debian users know Debian stable exists. They may not necessarily know hvr's repository exists. I'd rather keep the novel and potentially useful information in there and let them make a choice unless there's a compelling reason to do otherwise.

I think you misunderstood me. hvr’s PPA is only for Ubuntu systems, the equivalent for Debian is, which you already mention in your introduction. And rightly so: Debian users usually do not know of this repository.

But the section on suggests to install the other tool via cabal-install. This is outdated; just like with hvr’s PPA these can now also be installed with apt-get.

I think you misunderstood me.

Oh probably.

There are three options presented for Debian users. One uses, one uses hvr's repo, one is standard bindist install.

I'm not a Debian expert. If you think something should be changed and you have good cause to believe what you're suggesting will be more reliable, PR it.