
[feature] Monitoring AO count via API

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Support request to underpin the larger task of order longevity with API retrieval of active AO count.

Survival time of simple Ping-Pong recurring AO is about 12 hours if not active with hits and around 5 hours if the orders actually get triggered. Observed behaviour is quite the same over the last 10 months, August 2021 was the peak reliability period of up to 3 days with orders clicking away but that magic was lost and never seen again.

Loss of AO at BFX Honey cannot be tracked. Independent of the reason behind, successful closure, logical failure, connectivity reset, or uncommanded flush.

Develop API WS2 to include the number of valid running AOs.

If Bitfinex servers actually load-balance by killing AOs (can be justified, hard to tell without any log trace #722) this becomes even more important. Working with a tool limited this way is fine as long as the situation is reported to the user in a controlled manner.

For other cases of AO termination, monitoring via API is equally relevant. Algorithmic trading is less than half-success if it cannot be automated to a reasonable extent - not knowing the AOs have closed uncommanded falls markedly short of target.

Pending the resolution for BFX honey to actually report the active AO count correctly. Issue: #705

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One of the key improvement features, withering.

Still a key feature sought.

Logging has been totally overhauled. Might be released on the next latest 3.31.3. The following actions will be logged for every AO: ao_init, ao_updated, ao_cancelled, ao_failed. Hopefully this fulfills the requirements. Pending review upon release.

Great news. Will try and report back 8-)

The core feature here was pulling the AO active order count via WS2 API from Bitfinex.

As of now, inside Honey, we don't seem to have that number as a live variable. The Trading State panel indicator siphons off the Algo.Orders modal (with small labor pains such as displaying the historical orders when that selector is depressed #786)

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Still requested.

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