
[problem] high load causes AOs to stop behind the scenes

pointops opened this issue · 2 comments

Same thing, all over again.

The client keeps everything running for 3 days straight, no problem. Until the moment when actually the market starts to move (also into the active AO range). Thereafter the longevity is less than an hour before the AOs get disconnected.

WITHOUT ANY INDICATION at in the GUI or the AO count.




Reported repeatedly so times that the last write-ups did not even get an 'eyes' emoji reaction. Can't hide the disenchantment as the previous reports are force-closed one by one as stale issues.

Not requesting a hyper-step up in stability. Just asking the stalled AOs are truthfully indicated. It happens at the 'bfx:hf:server:algo-worker meta reloaded' event. Every time.

Electron build? Darn same.


yes, 4 minutes apart.

If the problem description is lost in translation, kindly reach out via DM.

same behaviour last night.

No meta-reloaded events for 3 days, after a few AOs trigger meta-reload shows about an hour later.

The stopped AOs are now correctly removed from view.