
Continuous request of certificate verification

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I think the issue might come from the saving of the certificate in CustomCertStore. We are never saving the updates from the Keystore object to the file. The only time we really save the changes is in clearUserDecisions:

We should also save in

fun setTrustedByUser(cert: X509Certificate) {"Trusted by user: $cert")
userKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(CertUtils.getTag(cert), cert)
untrustedCerts -= cert

fun setUntrustedByUser(cert: X509Certificate) {"Distrusted by user: $cert")
untrustedCerts += cert

To reproduce:

  1. Launch the sample app.
  2. Trust a certificate
  3. Try to trust again, it's already been trusted
  4. Close the app (also from recents just in case)
  5. Open the app again
  6. The certificate can be trusted again, changes are not persisted.

Haha nice, thanks for the report. So: core functionality broken. Could be time for some tests ^^

Yup, quite a serious bug 😅

At least easy to fix :)

Maybe we want to add a test for this, I've tested this and it detects the issue on the main branch:

    fun testPersistingChanges() {

        // Dispose the keystore - load keystore again

        // Check it has been trusted
        certManager.checkServerTrusted(siteCerts!!.toTypedArray(), "RSA")

However, it needs to expose certStore and loadUserKeyStore through the VisibleForTesting annotation.

See 3110633