
Make this a real library (instead of a submodule)

ArnyminerZ opened this issue · 0 comments

We would have to care less about compile-time settings when this would be a real library. It would be easier to integrate with other projects.

I think of this is a separate library that

  • can be added as a normal dependency and then be used in other projects

  • has two components, something like a lib and and sample-app directory:

    • lib contains the lib and is what is imported when other projects add the dependency
    • sample-app contains a minimum sample app that also allows to test cert4android in real when debugging (not imported with the dependency)
  • make it a jitpack library

  • document how to embed the library

  • separate demo app from lib ¿Should we?

    • build action for jitpack should only build lib
    • demo app can be opened in Android Studio to test and work on the lib