
Support COMMENT for tasks

Closed this issue · 5 comments

We could support COMMENT with the Comment field for TasksOrg-compatible tasks:

interface Comment extends PropertyColumns
* The mime-type of this property.
String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE = ContentResolver.CURSOR_ITEM_BASE_TYPE + "/comment";
* Comment text.
* <p>
* Value: String
* </p>
* Language code of the comment as defined in <a href="">RFC5646</a> or <code>null</code>.
* <p>
* Value: String
* </p>

  • Add a comment field to Task.
  • Task should be able to read the COMMENT property into the comment field
  • Task should be able to generate the COMMENT property from the comment field
  • DmfsTask: generate COMMENT data row (probably with language null) from Task.comment field
  • DmfsTask: process COMMENT data row and fill Task.comment field from it

I hope this is even supported by… @sunkup interested in giving it a try? doesn't try to sync comments yet, but I'd like to doesn't try to sync comments yet, but I'd like to

But we can already create the data row, right?

@sunkup interested in giving it a try?

Sure, I wonder which servers support the COMMENT field already though? Seems like nextcloud (tasks) does not ?

Sure, I wonder which servers support the COMMENT field already though? Seems like nextcloud (tasks) does not ?

When more clients support it, I guess other clients have a better chance of adopting it. As far as I know, jtx Board also supports it.