
Allow to refresh from error dialog

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I want to add some further proposal to this.
Despite the OK-button was responsive before, meant bringing me to the screen with the red "could not resolve..." text, it was also not possible to trigger a refresh on that screen due to there is no refresh/retry button or swipe-down-to-refresh gesture registered.
Then I need to close, find icsx5 within the app list, open it, swipe down to refresh.
It would be an welcome improvement if it's possible to re-trigger a retry on that screen.
I usuall turn off internet connection over-night and after enable it again in the morning there are these "could-not-resolve" notifications every now and then.

I agree completely with this, there should be an easier way to refresh. However, right now when the notification is tapped, the screen that is launched is the edit one. I think this is not ideal, since usually you wouldn't want to edit the subscription, just to take a look, and refresh, so the subscriptions list screen should be launched instead.
For that reason, some modifications must be made, which I think are outside of the scope of this issue, so I'll create a new one with this feature request.