
Feature Request: Snippets, Scenes, and Cues

mxxmxn opened this issue · 7 comments

It would be nice, if it would be possible to implement variables for the Names of Snippets, Scenes, and Cues. Buttons to navigate between Snippets/Scenes/Cues and load the selected one, as well as a variable for the selected one and the now active/last loaded one would be also helpful. And maybe you could ad the feature to save Snippets/Scenes/Cues.

As far as I know there is no memory per se on companion to keep hold of variables like this (i.e. the previous loaded scene and cycling between different ones to decide which one to load).

It could be possible to add a variable for each cue, scene and snippet for the names but... that would lead to 300 variables additional variables (ouch!) it is doable though... but would be a nightmare scrolling through all of them (search is an option too though)

loading specific cues/scenes/snippets is very doable though (you would need to select from a dropdown when setting up the action though) would that help?

Also as an aside issue #32 has requested that NEXT, PREV and GO buttons be implemented and sadly this isn't possible at the moment but I have asked on the XM32 Trello board that the ability to trigger NEXT and PREV be added as a command and the ability to query which cue/scene/snippet is 'highlighted' to be ready to trigger when the GO button is pressed. This may solve your problem too and if they implement is the I will add the actions and variables ASAP

Update: feature suggestion for next, prev and go has been accepted and will be looked into 🥳

Hi, do you know if the saving Snippets/Scenes/Cues feature has been accepted ? Thanks !

Still waiting, theres not been a new release for X32 yet as far as I know. Yeah just double checked and latest is still 4.06

I have added this and it should be the next beta build