
New Variable: Fader Level of Channel Send

jmcc94 opened this issue · 4 comments

Would it be possible to have variables for the fader levels of a channel send.

I am aware that this could run into a lot of variables, but it would be useful to be able to show them, so that we can control the mix into buses.

Our usecase - we use a mixbus to control our stream mix, while FOH is done off the standard channels - it would be good to be able to manage/control levels into the stream mixbus from companion as it's controlled from a separate area.

Its possible yes, but It ~864 variables to add which is an insane amount of variables to add (32 inputs x 16 busses + 8 aux x 16 busses + 8 FX RTN x 16 buses + 16 buses x 6 matrices)

Do you really need to see the level that the sends are at on the companion to control them on the mix buses?

Maybe one possible way of dealing with this is have a bus specified in the config for the instance and then only have variables (48) going to that bus 🤔 even so though its not exactly a pretty solution

Totally understand the total amount of variables that this could introduce...

I was going to use the variable to show the level as part of the button text, and would really only use this for the sends to a stereo bus.... so we can control the livestream bus from a separate location.

A choice of a bus in the config could work... Just thinking another thought - could this be achieved by Feedback.... but I suspect not...

Maybe I just use X32 Edit to control the levels....

Thanks for the offer, but no, I don't think it's worth it at this stage.

I'll close the issue.